
Jul 9, 2014

Delaware Affiliate Challenge 2014

Last month we participated in our first official CrossFit competition.

Next weekend is our second CrossFit competition.  AND a Spartan Race.  In the same weekend.  Sean also has a baseball game in between.

Go big or go home, right?  I'll probably call out broken for work on Monday.  #worthit

Anyways:  the DE Affiliate Challenge.  One of our neighboring boxes needed another girl for their women's team, so they asked me to fill in.  We were going to attempt the RX workouts...until the night before.  It was pretty intimidating. LOL The other ladies didn't have pull ups (very well), and that turned out to be one of the primary movements in multiple WODs, so we dropped down to the scaled division at the last minute.  It was SO much better that way.

Here were the scaled WODs:
(we had 4 people per team)

WOD 1:
a. Partner "Fran"
Thrusters 75/55
SDHP 75/55

b. Partner "Kelly"
400m run
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Wall Balls 20/14

I did half of the "Fran" portion.  Not too terrible.  We finished in under 8 minutes.  For both parts, our team came in 5th place.

WOD 2:
Partner 1 & 2 (each):
30 Clean & Jerk 115/75
then, 500m row

Partner 3 & 4:
400m run
21 KBS (35/25)
12 Burpee Box Jumps
We were dead.  My feet were KILLING me after this..hence the shoes off.
I did one of the "Grace".  KILLED it.  Got through the 30 C&J in under 2:30, and rowed my best 500m EVER after that, in like 2:08.  It was pretty awesome, after it sucked.

I don't remember our final placing, but I think we were in 3rd after these two WODs.  The men's team for the gym I was competing with ended up doing pretty good, too; we advanced to the finals.  We finished in 5th place overall, which I thought was pretty impressive!  It was the first competition for pretty much all of us!

The final WOD was a bunch of different AMRAPs.  Mine consisted of lots of bear complex.  Yay for squat cycles.
The men of CrossFit Plexus did FANTASTIC.  They finished 1st place after the two WODs, but unfortunately weren't able to advance to the finals because we didn't have a women's team (you needed both to take the "affiliate" title).  Next year, we'll be there.  For sure.

Can't wait to do it all over again in 3 days!  This one is an individual comp, too.  And not scaled.  They didn't release the WODs yet (tomorrow), so I'm sure I'll be freaking out a lot more then.

Wish us luck!

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