
Aug 18, 2013

Whole30, Take two.

Attempting this once again.  I think I made it two weeks last August, but I'm determined to make the whole 30 days this time!  Sean's on board for this go round, so that'll make it easier (I hope!).

So far we've survived the beach, a Phillies game, and a family visit.  In the first 7 days.  Apparently we're busier than I thought in August!  Or we're just spontaneous.  Let's go with that.

We're more than halfway through! So far it's easier than I thought it would be. Yes, I want ice cream every night, but knowing I can't have it, not just that I shouldn't, really helps.

And yes, I did stay up until midnight a few times prepping/cooking foods so we'd have lunch the next day.  It's a good thing I like to cook.

I've made a meal plan for dinners through the month of August.  I just have to keep figuring out breakfast/lunches.  HB eggs and deli turkey are getting old, quickly.

I should start making a list of all the foods I'm really missing.  Beer.  Ice cream.  Cheeeeeeeeeeeese.   Surprisingly, I'm not missing the cream in my coffee as much as I thought I would.  (Good) black coffee is actually pretty delicious on it's own.  Once I get past the fact that there's no cream in it.  haha  And Americano > Black coffee.  Mmmmm so delicious!

The WOD a few weeks ago was terrible.  I don't know if it was the fact that it was the 4th day in a row, or the 155# back squats, orrrrrrrrrrr GHD SITUPS (damn them), but it still hurt to walk Wednesday (from Monday!).  We planned to take off tuesday, but the DOMS was just so bad that it called for two rest days.  Oh well, life happens. 

 Then earlier this week we did heeeeeeeavy deadlifts.  I'm pretty sure my hamstrings are STILL sore.  I think I need to get into this post-workout snack thing.  However, I wasn't tired during the WOD!  Day 15, and I think I'm starting to feel the "tiger blood" :). I think we may consider eating this way for the long term. 

Here's some eats from the past two weeks:

Paleo pad Thai from "Well Fed"

Taco salad! Love me some guac.

Attempting to stretch post-WOD.  Not happening.

These La Croix drinks have been a lifesaver.

Watermelon + ice + lime juice, top with La Croix lime.

Somebody is not so happy about the Whole30 ;)

So we'll probably keep this up for awhile after 30 days.  It's not as difficult as it seems, except for eating out, that sucks.  And beer. And pizza. Lol.  Having Sean do it as well for support really helps.  Not stepping on the scale has been tempting, but I'm excited to see what the final results are.  12 more days!

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