I got alllllllll the muscle ups!
Last week I was doing some chest to bar pull ups as part of my workout. More like chest to ribs. I dunno why I pull so hard for these. But Sean walked by and casually mentioned that if I pulled any harder I'd have a muscle up.
A muscle up you say?
I finished that set of C2Bs and headed back to my overhead squats. During the 60 second transition I decided that it's happening today. I'm getting a muscle up on the bar.
FUCK YEAH! Easy. Easy peasy. I found myself chilling up there not wanting to come down and relish in the moment. Then I hit my head on the ceiling. Whoops.
Obviously I didn't catch this on film, so I had to do another one to video it. This one felt even easier. So much so that I got cocky and went for two. Yeah, nope. #fail
So now I have ring muscle ups AND bar muscle ups! And actually got one in a WOD this week!!!
This WOD:
12 minute AMRAP
150 Wall balls 20/14# (men 10′ target/ladies 9′ target)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Finished wall balls in 9:08.
Got 1 MU!
That WOD is nasty. BUT I did it as RX this time, as opposed to the mess I attempted in 2013, and I got a HUGE PR. :D I live for this shit.
And because carbs and clearance, two of my favorite things!
Allllll the RKTs!